Bumbleride Indie Twin

As your family grows, so do your pram needs. Here's a few things to consider to help you choose the right one.
When you start looking into prams for your first baby, you may start thinking about how your family will grow and change and the possible need for a twin pram or toddler seat on a single pram.

Here are a few things to keep in mind before you buy a pram for more than one child.

  1. The frame of a pram that holds two has to be stronger, hence it is likely to weigh more which means you have to lift a heavier pram while you only use it for one child.
  2. Make sure you check the weight restrictions of the pram (how many kilograms it can hold). For Example - A 2 year old will weigh approximately 15kgs. If your toddler is older or weighs more than that, then it may not hold both your newborn and your toddler. Hint - You would expect to use a pram until your child is at least 3 years old.
  3. Have a good look at the size of the seats. Is there room for growing legs and enough head room under the canopy to be comfortable?
  4. If your considering a toddler seat on a single pram, check the position of the sibling seat. Will you still have (easy) access to the cargo basket? You'll need more room when your bring two children out and about.
  5. Test it loaded up! If possible check out the pram with the sibling seat attached and loaded with weight equivalent to two children so you can feel how it handles. All prams move beautifully with nothing in them on the smooth flat floor of the store. Compare it to a side-by-side double, also loaded up. It would be fair to expect the side-by-side to be easier to handle simply because the weight is distributed across on a wider frame as opposed to on a narrow frame but you might be OK with that.

If the in-line pram ticks all these boxes, you should be pretty safe to go ahead.
As with everything we buy, we only really know if we love it till we start using it. Basing your decision based on helpful hints rather than a price based offer will help you avoid those post buying regrets later on.
We love the Bumbleride Indie Twin pram and that's why we stock it.
When Bumbleride developed their double stroller the Indie Twin, they decided on the side-by-side format. This decision was based on their philosophy of outdoor adventures so it was important to make the pram as easy to manoeuvre as possible. This format also ensures that both your children can see and observe their surroundings - and easy access to the cargo basket is maintained for you! The design allows the Bumbleride Indie Twin to have a one-motion fold – you just activate the release levers, push the handle over the top towards the front wheels and it’s done. Same for unfolding: you simply release the lock clip on the side of the frame with your thumb, then pull the handle towards you and flick it open to lock and it’s ready to go.
There are a lot of options on the market, and everybody’s needs and preferences are different. Each pram brad will prioritise different features and it can be easy to get confused or feel overwhelmed. Particularly because you haven’t bought one before. The main thing is to try and now get your heart set on one brand or design – maybe you love the look or maybe because the price is appealing. Take your time to investigate each potential model’s features and how well it matches your lifestyle. A good looking city pram may disappoint you if you love trail walks, and a cheap pram can be an expensive investment if it does not meet your requirements and you have to replace it down the track.
Happy Shopping!

You can shop the Bumbleride Indie Twin here.
Or at www.bumbleride.com.au


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